View Profile KouruSensei

4 Movie Reviews

Hmm... I liked it.

Overall, I liked it. Sometimes, I lost interest, but eventually... I picked back up in the story..

It is a little hard to understand.. perhaps the story or.. no no, the way the story is told COULD be reworked, but I'm not going to hold that against you guys until I see it all.

Representation of the main character was nice... the guy was someone I could relate with, and I enjoyed the way he was introduced.

The music was nice, original. Very nice background since sound and music where the only things that carried the story scene by scene. The sound effects? eh... eeeeeh.... I guess with what you guys had to work with, they where ok. I didn't like some parts of it, but.. then again, this is only episode 1. Now time to see what you have in store for me next!

Guess what regular flash!? *SHUN!*

It was just like the movie!!!

lol, you had me from opening line to the end... AWESOME!!

This flash was fantastic, and I desire to see more of your quirky humor. Despite the fact it was a silly little guy doing silly things, the flash actually had a lot of deep meaning to it..

Everything from making fun of how people never actually read the book, to the lack of spelling, grammar, and communication skills that most internet junkies (Refer to previous review) DO NOT HAVE, and my personal favorite, the crack at SPYWARE and the real reason spyware is so successful.


Aah, the good ol' days!

That brought back a lot of good memories AND humored me a bit.

I loved it, thought it was great.. who knew that 2D characters could actually do cool moves like that?? Blam squaresoft for not being more creative damnit! I s'pose they're making up for it now...>.>

And the point... was?

I can understand one's dislike for DDR... but why would anybody want to kill someone because they're playing it.. and.. why cloud of all people? o.O

Well, it is a cartoon, but I really didn't think it was too funny.. just needed a better reason for the two of them to fight is all.

DJ Drake @KouruSensei


Joined on 5/23/05

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